巴菲特作为世界上著名的股神,自然少不了出自于他的经典名言。下面是我为大家整理的巴菲特名人名言大全,希望大家喜欢。 1、不管是买袜子还是买股票,我都喜欢在高级货打折时入手。 2、若你不打算持有某只股票达十年,则十分钟也不要持有;我最喜欢的持股时间是……永远。 3、通过定期投资于指数基金,那些门外汉投资者都可以获得超过多数专业投资大师的业绩。 4、你不一定必须的是名火箭科学家。对于投资这样的游戏,智商为160的人未必就可以赢取智商为130的人。 5、“做优秀的投资者并不需要高智商”,只须拥有“不轻易从众的能力。6、你应当把股票看作是许多细小的商业部分、把市场的波动看作是你的朋友而非敌人、利润有时来自对朋友的愚忠而非参与市场的波动,以及关于投资最重要的几个字眼‘安全边际’概念。 7、很多事情做起来都会有利可图,但是,你必须坚持只做那些自己能力范围内的事情,我们没有任何办法击倒泰森。 8、第一大投资原则:独立思考和内心的平静。 9、我碰巧是个分配资金的天才。可我运用才华的能力完全取决于我出生所在的社会。如果生在狩猎为生的部落,我的天分根本一无是处。我跑不了多快,身体不是特别强壮,可能最终会成为某只野兽的晚餐。 10、不需要等到股价跌到谷底才进场买股票、反正你买到的股价一定比它真正的价值还低。11、开始存钱并及早投资,这是最值得养成的好习惯。 12、市场就像大赌场,别人都在喝酒,如果你坚持喝可乐,就会没事。 13、投资人并不需要做对很多事情,重要的是要能不犯重大的过错。 14、如果你投资股票,建议最好不要超过20只。 15、如果你属于人类中那最幸运的1%,那么你就应该考虑其他99%的’人,这是你应该做的。
1、开始存钱并及早投资,这是最值得养成的好习惯。 Saving money and investing early is the best way to develop good habits. 2、金钱总是向着机会流动,而美国则是充满了机会。 Money tends to flow, and America is full of opportunities. 3、通货膨胀是投资者的最大敌人。 Inflation is the biggest enemy of investors. 4、目前的金融课程可能只会帮助你做出庸凡之事。 The current financial course may only help you make a mediocre. 5、我们不必**飞龙,只需躲避它们就可以做的很好。 We need not only to avoid the slaughter dragon, they can do a good job. 6、不是贪婪,而是嫉妒推动着世界前进。 It is not greed, but envy that drives the world forward. 7、习惯的链条在重到断裂之前、总是轻到难以察觉! The chains of habit are always too light to be seen until they are broken! 8、开始存钱并及早投资,这是最值得养成的习惯。 Start saving and investing early, which is the most important habit. 9、理智是投资股票最基本的要求。 Reason is the basic requirement of investing in stocks. 10、按兵不动:有时成功的投资需要按兵不动。 Sometimes the successful investment need to halt the troops and wait halt the troops and wait. 11、任何一位,卷入复杂工作的人都需要同事。 Anyone who is involved in complex work needs a colleague. 12、思想枯竭,则巧言生焉! Thought is born exhausted, blarney! 13、我只做我完全明白的事。 I just do what I know. 14、民主制度很好,但是却不适用于投资决策。 Democracy is good, but it doesn’t apply to investment decisions. 15、现在远离麻烦,要比以后摆脱麻烦容易得多。 It’s much easier to get out of trouble than to get out of trouble. 16、当大浪退去时,我们才知道谁在裸泳 When the big waves receded, we know who is swimming naked 17、一定要在自己的理解力允许的范围内投资。 Be sure to invest within the limits of your own understanding. 18、投资人最重要的特质不是智力而是性格。 The most important attribute of an investor is not intelligence but character. 19、每个人都会在资本的游戏中犯错。 Everyone will make mistakes in the game of capital. 20、永远不要问理发师你是否需要理发。 Never ask a barber if you need a haircut. 21、利用市场的愚蠢,进行有规律的投资。 Make use of the folly of the market to invest regularly. 22、虽然我也靠收入生活,但我迷恋过程要远胜于收入。 Although I also rely on income, but I love the process is much better than income. 23、我们知道的是我们不知道。 What we know is that we don’t know. 24、我一直相信我们自己的眼睛远胜于其他一切。 I’ve always believed that our eyes are better than anything else. 25、你应该做的是远离那些是你做出仓促决定的环境。 All you have to do is stay away from those situations where you make a hasty decision. 26、头脑中的东西在未整理分类之前全叫垃圾! What is in the mind is called garbage before sorting it out! 27、我喜欢简单的东西。 I like simple things. 28、民意测验不能代表思想。 Opinion polls cannot rePsent ideas. 29、相信美好的东西会以其自然的节奏出现在眼前。 Believe that good things will appear in their natural rhythm. 30、生活的关键是、要弄清谁为谁工作。 The key to life is to find out who is working for whom. 31、如果你在错误的路上、奔跑也没有用。 If you’re on the wrong road, running is useless. 32、如何定义朋友呢:他们会向你隐瞒什么? How to define a friend: what will they hide from you? 33、假如观念会过时、那就不足以成为观念。 It is not enough to be an idea if it is outdated. 34、永远不要问理发师你是否需要理发! Never ask a barber if you need a haircut! 35、风险来自于你不知道自己在做什么。 The risk is that you don’t know what you’re doing. 36、风险来自于你不知道你在做什么。 The risk is that you don’t know what you’re doing. 37、优势的本质是拥有最广泛的选择权。 The essence of the advantage is to have the most extensive option. 38、任何一位、卷入复杂工作的人都需要同事。 Anyone who is involved in a complex job needs a colleague. 39、模糊的正确远胜于精确的错误。 The truth is far more accurate than the error. 40、花四毛钱买价值一块钱的东西。 Spend 40 Fen to buy something worth a dollar. 41、不能耐心地听取批评,你就无法接受新事物。 You can’t listen to criticism and you can’t accept new things. 42、成功的投资在本质上是内在的独立自主的结果。 Successful investing is essentially the result of internal independence. 43、今天的投资者不是从昨天的增长中获利的。 Today’s investors do not profit from yesterday’s growth. 44、任何不能永远前进的事物都将停滞。 Anything that cannot go on forever will stagnate. 45、我特别钟情于读传记。 I’m especially interested in reading biographies. 46、我想像不出生活中有什么我想要而不能拥有的东西。 I can’t imagine what I want and can’t have in my life. 47、我们从未想到要预估股市未来的走势。 We never expected to Pdict the future trend of the stock market. 48、风险、是来自于你不知道你在做什么。 Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing. 49、投资多样化可以抵消无知的副作用。 Diversification can offset the side effects of ignorance. 50、所谓冒险就是不知道自己在做什么。 Adventure is not knowing what you’re doing. 51、要去他们要去的地方而不是他们现在所在的地方。 To go where they want to go, not where they are now. 52、如开始就成功,就不要另觅他途。 If you begin to succeed, don’t try to find another way. 53、如果你不断的跟着风向转、那你就不可能会发财。 If you keep following the wind, you can’t make a fortune. 54、思想枯竭、则巧言生焉! Thought is born exhausted, blarney! 55、想成为最优秀的人,就要向最优秀的人学习。 If you want to be the best person, you have to learn from the best. 56、别人恐惧的时候你要贪婪别人贪婪的时候你要恐惧。 You need to be greedy when others are fearful. 57、只有退潮时,才知道谁在裸泳 Only when the tide, before we know who is swimming naked 58、竞争并不是推动人类前进的动力,嫉妒才是。 Competition is not the driving force for human progress. 59、在规则之外,要遵循榜样的引导。 Outside the rules, follow the example. 60、实际上,如果没有十足的把握,我不会轻举妄动。 In fact, if not sure, I will not act rashly. 61、投资对于我来说,既是一种运动,也是一种娱乐。 Investment is not only a sport, but also a kind of entertainment for me. 62、把每支投资的股票都当作一桩生意来做。 Make every investment stock a business. 63、在别人恐惧时我贪婪,在别人贪婪时我恐惧。 I am greedy when others fear, I fear when others are greedy. 64、如果发生了坏事情、请忽略这件事。 If something bad happens, please ignore it. 65、用我的想法和你们的钱、我们会做得很好。 With my thoughts and your money, we will do well. 66、如果原则过时,它就不是原则。 If the principle is out of date, it is not a principle. 67、世界上购买股票的最愚蠢的动机是:股价在上涨。 The world’s most foolish motive for buying stocks is that shares are rising. 68、一个过热的股市就像是一名企业的扒手。 An overheated stock market is like a corporate pickpocket. 69、如果没有什么值得做,就什么也别做。 If there is nothing to do, don’t do anything. 70、利率就像是投资上的地心引力一样。 Interest rate is like the gravity of investment. 71、买股票的时机应该与大多数的投资人想法相反。 The time to buy stocks should be contrary to that of most investors. 72、任何不能持久的事物终将消亡。 Anything that cannot last will die. 73、只要不是过于急于求成,合理投资能使你非常富有。 As long as not too anxious, reasonable investment can make you very rich. 74、我从来不曾有过自我怀疑。我从来不曾灰心过。 I never had a doubt. I never lose my heart. 75、只有在潮水退去时,你才会知道谁一直在裸泳。 Only when the tide goes out, you will know who has been swimming naked. 76、投资股票的第一原则:不要赔钱。 The first rule of investing in stocks: don’t lose money. 77、和一个道德品质败坏的人,无法完成一桩好交易。 And a man of moral character cannot achieve a good deal. 78、如果你在错误的路上,奔跑也没有用。 If you’re on the wrong road, running is useless. 79、习惯的链条在重到断裂之前,总是轻到难以察觉。 The chains of habit are always too light to be seen until they are broken. 80、任何不能永远发展的事物,终将消亡。 Anything that cannot develop forever will die out. ;