下面就是我们帮你搜集整理的有关关于善良的英语名言 关于善良的和慈善名言英语的问答
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1、善念是因,善行是果。 Good thoughts are causes, good deeds are results. 2、做一个善良的人,为人类去谋幸福。 Be a kind person and seek happiness for mankind. 3、养心莫善于寡欲。 Be good at nourishing ones heart, but not at losing ones desires. 4、一善染心,万劫不朽。百灯旷照,千里通明。 A good dye in the heart is immortal. A hundred lights shine brightly, a thousand miles open. 5、善良不是一种科学,而是一种行为。 Kindness is not a science, but an action. 6、善不可不弘,恶不可不去。 Good cannot be denied, evil cannot be denied. 7、人心之广,何恶不容,何善不容。 The peoples hearts are wide, no evil, no good. 8、善书久读,自得受用。 A good book is worth reading for a long time. 9、善良是连结社会的金链。 Kindness is the golden chain linking society. 10、世上难有十恶之人,亦难有十善之人。 There are neither ten evils nor ten good people in the world.
1、人之初,性本善。 At the beginning of the people, this is good. 2、投身慈善乐在其中。 Devoted himself to charity. 3、智则知人,仁者爱人。 Wisdom is known, opened up. 4、从善如登,从恶如崩。 From evil from good, such as, such as collapse. 5、爱不是语言,是行为。 Love is not language, is a behavior. 6、上善若水,大爱无疆。 On good if water, big love. 7、无缘大慈,同体大悲。 No great kindness, there. 8、善乃是精神世界的太阳。 Good is the spiritual world of the sun. 9、积德虽无人见,行善自有天知。 Merit is nobody see, doing good has its own heaven knows. 10、穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。 Poor immune, leads to the world. 11、行善最乐,助人为乐,知足常乐。 Do the most happy, help others, happiness consists in contentment. 12、慈善是心灵的,而不是手的美德。 Charity is the soul, rather than the virtues of hand. 13、慈善行及至亲,但不应仅此为止。 The charity and loved ones, but that should not be so far. 14、存好心、说好话、行好事、做好人。 Kind, fair, and do good, be good. 15、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。 Love is not a charity, so can’t generous handouts. 16、关爱别人,就是仁;了解别人,就是智。 Love others, is the kernel; Understand others, is wisdom. 17、慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦。 The behavior of the charity can relieve the pain of others more than money. 18、人生一世来去匆匆,生不带来,死不带去。 I, in a hurry life, living not bring, bring death. 19、捐赠的地方不投资,投资的地方不搞捐赠。 Don’t invest in donation, investment place not to donate. 20、能付出爱心就是福,能消除烦恼就是智慧。 Can love is a blessing, can eliminate the annoyance is wisdom. 21、一个人最需要的是一双肯去拉人一把的手。 A person need most is a pair of willing to pull a hand. 22、把自己看的轻些,从帮助别人中获得快乐。 See the light of some oneself, gain pleasure from helping others. 23、扶危周急固为美事,能不自夸,则其厚德矣。 Taking dangerous weeks for beauty, can not boast, its thick DE yi. 24、凡是有益于人的就是善,损人利己的就是恶。 Every is good for people is good, beggar-thy-neighbour is evil. 25、待人退一步,爱人宽一寸,就会活的很快乐。 To be a step back, love one inch wide, will live very happy. 26、成人善事,其功更倍;动人善愿,其量无涯。 Adult good, the work of more times; Moving good will, the amount is long, life is short. 27、做好事的人使自己得救,做坏事的人使自己毁灭。 Do a good turn to be saved, people do bad things into their own destruction. 28、一个人的快乐不是他拥有的多,而是他计较的少。 A person’s happiness is not his own, but he care about less. 29、人类的生活,是互助的生活,不单是要求和争夺。 Human life, it is mutual life, not only is the requirement and competition. 30、做一个内心完善的善良的人,是成为君子的前提。 Do a perfect good man heart, is the Pmise to become a gentleman. 31、我认为直接给钱的方式更直接,更有效,更快捷。 I think the way to a more direct, more effective, more quickly. 32、企业家的最高境界是“从无做到有,从有做到无”。 EntrePneur is the highest realm of "never do have, from be able to do nothing". 33、善为至宝,一生用之不尽;心作良田,百世耕之有余。 Good treasure, using them all his life; Heart as a fertile land, immortal of tillage. 34、钱多育祸根,损己害儿孙。捐钱做善事,造福与子孙。 Money more birth curse, caustic harm children and grandchildren. Do good money, benefit and sons. 35、真正的慈善能明察秋毫,哪里需要行善它一看就知道。 Can true charity penetrative, where I need to do it you know. 36、慈善只能是一种境界,一种超越责任和道德范畴的境界。 Charity is a kind of state, a kind of beyond the category of responsibility and moral realm. 37、感人肺腑的人类善良的暖流,能医治心灵和**的创伤。 Moving stream of human kind, heart and flesh wounds can heal. 38、慈善不仅仅是“手的给予”,而更应该是“心的给予”。 Charity is not just a "hand to give", and more should be "heart" to give. 39、世界上最美丽,最高贵,最伟大的事情莫过于报善与惩恶。 The world’s most beautiful, the most noble, the greatest thing is the good and punishing the evil. 40、人可以为善,也可以为恶,意欲为善则善,意欲为恶则恶。 People can be good, can also be evil, to is good, good, would like to evil is evil. 41、慈爱应该为自己创造一颗不朽的灵魂,然后去爱人,并被人所爱。 Love should create an immortal soul to himself, and then to love, and be loved. 42、对别人行善就是对自己行善,对别人一份善心,自己将有一片蓝天。 Doing good to others is good to oneself, a kindness to others, they will have a blue sky. 43、慈善就是走长征,再苦也要走下去,我会在慈善的道路上一直走下去。 Charity is the long march, again painstakingly also want to go, I’d been going on the way of charity. 44、幸福是人类最后的目的和至善的总和,它赋予人类生命的真正的意义。 Happiness is the sum of human final purpose and the suPme good, it gives the real meaning of human life. 45、活在人们尊重中的慈善家,比孤独死在存折单上的守财奴光荣、伟大。 People living in respect of philanthropist, passbook in the list of the miser a glorious death than a lonely, great. 46、善良是灵魂间的桥梁,是生活的甜料,是人类的珍品,是一种心灵的坦诚。 Kindness is the bridge between the soul, is the sweetener of life, is human’s treasures, is a kind of open mind. 47、慈善必须以商业的计划执行,以商业的形式执行,慈善才能走得久走得长。 Charity will be implemented in business plan, in the form of a business executive, charity can take long walk longer. 48、如果要真正付出爱,请伸手去做,别空口长谈,因为没有行动的爱,不是真爱。 If you really love, please put out his hand to do it, don’t talk long, because there is no love of action, not true love.
Charity is the accumulation of morality, and everyone can be charitable.
Good for the most precious, life is endless; heart is a good field.
Andy Li Qiu covers the Thursday Yin.
Charity will make lonely people no longer lonely, charity will make evil people find good.
Giving love is happiness, and eliminating worry is wisdom.
To be generous is to benefit others, but to benefit others is the basis of self-interest.
What is good for men is good, and evil for others is evil.
The most beautiful, noble and greatest thing in the world is to report good and punish evil.
Do not do evil, do good deeds, do not do good and small, do not do evil.
The warmth of human kindness can heal the wounds of the mind and body.
Charity is a kind of social morality. Participation is the duty.
Charity is a social undertaking, so we are duty bound to do so.
Everyone helps people, there are no poor people in the world.
True charity can see clearly, and when we need to do good, we can see it at a glance.
A man’s happiness is not that he owns much, but that he cares less.
A good heart is needed between people.
I think the way of giving money directly is more direct, more effective and faster.
Charity is the source of human happiness, the oasis of the soul and the sweet spring of hope.
Human life is a life of mutual help, not just for competition.
Those who do good deeds make themselves saved, and those who do bad things destroy themselves.
Love is not charity, so we cannot give generously.
A magnificent volunteer team is the basic element of the development of charitable cause.
As far as social responsibility is concerned, it is absolutely obligatory for entrepreneurs to do charity.
The universe is wide and the universe can be charitable.
Charity is a higher love, it creates a harmonious and harmonious interpersonal relationship.
Choose a good person and choose a good book.
Charity is the soul, not the virtue of the hand.
A good man is not good at himself but a good man.
Where donations are made, no investment is made and investment places do not make donations.
The beautiful world is created by people, and charity is supported by everyone.
My charity, my happiness, will become a concept of modern life.
Courtesy in sincerity, voice in heart, action in righteousness.
To do well is to be happy, to help others and to be happy.
Charity is a blessing, a blessing for the people, and a universal life.
Love the heart, love the good, love the poor and help the poor.
Charity is often selfless, and charity is selfish.
Birds need nests. Spiders need nets. People need love.
China’s philanthropy is also crossing the river by feeling the stones a
Charity can only be a realm, transcending the realm of responsibility and morality.